Over the years, I've received many letters from folks telling me about how raw milk has impacted their lives. They're just too good to keep to myself any longer, so if your 'skin cleared up,' your child's 'asthma got much better,' or you 'lost lots of weight without even trying,' please share your story with us.
This wonderful food (raw milk from grass-fed animals) needs all the help it can get to once again become a choice available to all. Here's your chance to be part of the solution!
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to Raw Milk Facts...

Ive been taking Raw Milk regularly (about 2-3 liters a week) for 3 weeks and counting now.
I cant report any health benefits to speak of, but I have …
Digestion and inflammation help Not rated yet
As I've gotten older I've had trouble with heartburn and digestion. I've also been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis because of swelling and inflammation …
Mom of 6 children ... Not rated yet
Hiya.. So I'm a mom of 6 children that lives in NYC. I nursed all of them and they live a very healthy vegetarian (lacto ovo) life. However with my nursing …
30 days to better teeth Not rated yet
In 1996 i read for the first time Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr Weston Price. In 1999 i reread it and it really sank into my thinking. So i …
A breath of Air Not rated yet
I am a mother of 4 children. My now 6 year old had very bad asthma that started around 15 months of age. After many many visits to the ER, many pneumonias, …
Diabetes gone for nine years and counting 

Had average sugar level of over 240!!! A1c of 10.4.
Returned to real whole foods including raw milk which I was allergic to for 41 years of my life. …
Raw Milk Diet Not rated yet
Just finishing my fifth week week on raw milk only. Following information in an article by Dr J E Crewe in the 1920's from the Mayo foundation, now the …
Raised on Raw Milk Not rated yet
I consumed raw milk the first 21 years of my life as did most people in my community. My allowance as a youngster was from delivering raw milk to a few …
Raw Milk and Real Food Not rated yet
I finally found a source for raw milk in my state of Ohio abt. a year ago. I bought organic for many years, but really wanted Raw Milk.
I grew up on …
The kefir grains that changed my life... Not rated yet
Wanted to share my little story with you. I have been making my own yogurt for nearly 9 years now and I love it. I started using snow lotus because I had …
From The Grandad's Dairy Not rated yet
My Grandfather had a Dairy when I was a child and I always drank the raw milk. My brother and I spent the summers with our Grandparents helping in Dairy …
Stronger Not rated yet
i live on a dairy farm and i drink raw milk every single day. this milk made me stronger and more proud of myself. people always ask me why do you drink …
Asthmatic kid to goat herder Not rated yet
Several years ago, shortly after the birth of my twins, I began a slow journey away from grocery store food toward my ultimate goal of self sustainability. …
I drank raw milk produced at a Grade A Dairy. It seemed to deliver more calcium. Not rated yet
We ran a Grade A Dairy for many years. Grade A, means the milk goes from the milking machines directly to a large 'bulk tank' which cools very rapidly …
Raised By A 'Health-Nut' 

As a young girl being raised by a layman nutritional expert mom and living in Southern California, she felt it was important to give us the very best and …
50's farm Not rated yet
My dad fed us raw milk from our dairy, I was a healthy girl and we were all doing great. In 2nd or 3rd grade I was told to bring a nickel to school every …
another milk article 

I recovered from rheumatic fever and prevent its return by drinking raw milk. Wultzen factor. My health …
I'm still fine 

I am fourteen and I've drank good whole raw milk as long as I can remember. And I can't say that it's done any harm to me or my family. Today, my friends …
Just started raw milk Not rated yet
I have just started drinking raw milk. I have been researching for awhile. I have a daughter that is lactose intolerant. She loves milk but not what it …
Go Raw Milk! 

I'm 60 years old and recently started having hip pain. It got worse and worse. I read on-line that raw milk might help....but that "freaked me out"! …
Two cycles of antibiotics this time??? Not rated yet
It all started about 3 years ago while I was training for a bodybuilding competition. I had come down with a urinary tract infection, and I needed to take …
It is All about choice! Not rated yet
I am a big supporter of consuming raw milk.
How can the many people of Italian heritage be wrong?
My neighbour, Frank, has tried to buy Raw milk …
we are so thankful we discovered raw milk! Not rated yet
After years of despising milk and very rarely consuming anything that required milk, my fiance read something online about the benefits of raw milk. We …
Raw milk in the media(L.A.) Not rated yet
Yesterday's demonstration in downtown L.A. for a "hands-off" approach to raw food clubs. Journalist Kyle Tabuena - Frolli interviewed me, cause I looked …
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Raw milk changed our lives... Not rated yet
So much in fact, that I recently started a blog dedicated to raw milk and everything real, unprocessed and the way nature intended! Check it out!!
Raised on raw milk 

From the time I can first remember we always owned milking cows, just for our own use. My mother would bring the milk bucket in the kitchen and place a …
Goat herd shares available on Salt Spring Island, BC Not rated yet
I grew up on raw goat milk, then largely gave up milk for over 30 years -- I just couldn't stand the artificial, industrially-manufactured milk-like substance …
Cow Share Shut Down 

This is the short version. My ex and I started a cow share program in Boonville, California the winter of 2006 because she was worried about our young …
I never knew! Not rated yet
Once I had discovered raw milk and that it was produced fairly locally to where we live, we got some, and it was indeed yum! I recommend ( I have no medical …
Warm Milk? Yuck! 

My older brother, Bob, lives in a small university town in upstate New York. He rents rooms in his house to college students, usually young men. …
Life of Raw Milk Not rated yet
I grew up on a dairy with my nine siblings. All we ever drank was raw milk. As a young adult I recognize that we rarely ever caught the seasonal flu despite …
First time thrills ! Not rated yet
I've just bought my 1st ever lot of raw, grass fed milk & cheese from a farmers' Market here in Central London, UK. I've just tried some of the …
6 yr old child in severe gastric distress due to "milk".... Not rated yet
I had a mom bring her 6 yr old little boy to me (I am a Naturopathic Physician) for help because he kept getting sent home from school for SEVERE stomach …
"Lactose Intolerance"...is it really sooo prevalent? 

I have so many patients who come to my practice and profess of their "lactose intolerance". When I tell them that "lactose intolerance" is a rarity, they …
Ginger, the Kerry Black! 

Ginger's parents are registered Kerry Blacks, from a heritage herd here in Ireland. She is the only non-black calf known to have been born in this herd. …
ALL GONE! Lactose intolerance, constant runny nose, mid-nite feeding, thank you! Not rated yet
My little Sofia had to drink soy milk as a baby because she was lactose intolerant. After she turned 1-yr old I switched her to regular and all seemed …
Family Drank It Raw For Decades Not rated yet
I'm a city boy. I've never drunk raw milk. But both sides of my family, before they moved to the city from farms in Southern Ontario and Northern Alberta …
milk allergy 

Several years ago when my nephew was a young kid he was allergic to dairy and when he would come over to our house he would drink the raw milk and it wouldn't …
Healing Milk with Autoimmune/Arthritis 

Raw milk gave me my life back. It is my MIRACLE. I have shared this story with my food coop and would love to tell you too.
I am 26 years …
The best thing about Raw Cow Milk Not rated yet
Since my son and I began to drink raw cow milk, we have noticed a difference in my son's health. My son has had asthma since the Fall of 2007, our chiropractor …
good stuff Not rated yet
the milk in stores is nasty. after having raw milk the store bought stuff tastes horrible. i even got my friends drinking raw milk. i also started feeling …

I decided to try raw unpasteurized cow's milk at my husband's insistance. I told him I am lactose intolerant. My husband David told me that's because I've …
a work in process..... 

I'll get to the raw milk.
First we tried buying free range beef, organic, grass fed, locally raised and processed. Next it was veggie shares from a …
How I use raw milk to help the body heal itself 

I am a Naturopathic Doctor who has been practicing for a few years and I primarily use dietary guidance towards the usage of raw milk and other raw dairy …
The milkshake diet 

Several years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and starting researching the subject as if my life depended on it. I repeatedly came across very …
My immune system Not rated yet
After suffering low immune after my treatments, I went on so many medications. I also started being tired and allergic to everything.
A friend of …
Healthy Happy Children Not rated yet
My 4 kids love their raw milk. We sometimes run out when I order 6 gallons of milk per week! And they are still small, so I can't imagine how much we …
First Chocolate Cake and Ice Cold Milk! Not rated yet
Yup, I'm 32 years old and this week, I ate chocolate cake and drank ice cold raw milk with no fear of lactose intolerance or any other stomach ailment! …
My husband has been able to replace his steroids for pain from gout with raw milk! Not rated yet
We've been drinking raw milk for a few years now. I rarely get sick now, and when I do, it's only for a day or two; whereas before, it would hang on for …
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Raw milk for my children 

I was lucky enough to be raised on raw milk. My family lived on a farm and we had our own cow. Mom would make butter from the fresh cream. We also had …
Cottage cheese Not rated yet
I am so lucky to be able to buy raw milk practically next door, and also free range eggs.
My search for making cottage cheese has come up with too complicated …
Allergy Relief From Milk? Not rated yet
For Mothers Day this year (2010) I received my milk cow, Penny. She was a 7 years old skinny cross breed, who had a stubborn attitude. I had to put her …
Raw Milk in Colorado 

I grew up in CA and went to the Whole Foods Market to purchase raw milk and was surprised to find they did not have it. Come to find out it is illegal …
I am so Grateful 

In Sydney Australia I stayed with a family I love who nourished me so much in all of my meals. The loving pregnant wife had raw milk (Cleopatra bath milk)which …
Allergies, Diarrhea, etc 

I stopped drinking milk for 35+ years because of my intolerance. I discovered raw milk at a local farmer's market and after 6 months decided to try it. …
Healthy Choice Not rated yet
I have been drinking raw milk since my heart valve operation in "07". I am lucky to have an amish farm a mile from me. I am 62 and eat a mostly raw diet. …
No more cavities! 

As soon as he was old enough, my son consumed pasteurized milk like he couldn't get enough. By the time he was 4, he required extensive dental work requiring …
improved health 

Once I started drinking raw milk my immune system improved greatly as well as allergies. I seem to never catch any sort of cold or flu. I even noticed …
Cow is Mother 

I lived on a farm in California 30 years ago when I was 20 years old.. we raised some of our own organic foods and had 6 Brown Swiss cows that gave enough …
I got my life back! Not rated yet
I thought for over 15 years that I was intolerant to dairy products. I was living a life of avoidance. I paid dearly when I consumed dairy products. …
Allergies gone Not rated yet
I've suffered with worsening grass pollen allergies for over 30 years. It started out as just seasonal, but had progressed to almost year round. Taking …

remarkable i was on a very limited diet due to multiple food allergies, consequently, lost a lot of weight over a period of years down to 135 lbs. anyway …
Cream for A Glass, Not Coffee Not rated yet
Raw milk tastes great, and is creamy. When I get raw milk, I put aside the cream for coffee, since it isn't mixed through. Of course, I drink the cream …
Psoriasis Disappears After 40 Years! 

Just in the last few months,some new friends got us aquainted with how healthy raw milk was and how unhealthy pasturized milk was. After studying yours …
Raw Milk Made Me Who I Am 

First, I hope that you are in good shape and drinking a lot of raw milk.
As interesting as I find your site, I would love to share my milk story with …
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