by David VanEarden
(clymer ny 14724)
Had average sugar level of over 240!!! A1c of 10.4.
Returned to real whole foods including raw milk which I was allergic to for 41 years of my life. I am now 50! Proud of it.
No allergies for going on 9 years. None.
Return to normal of blood sugar levels.
Lost 50 lb and kept it off feel great.
No one seems to care but my wife does and I feel great!!
Whole family on board and we even have goats we milk now and drink the raw milk. Friends with cows who provide us raw cow milk
I can not explain why my doctor could care less. I still have diabetic on my chart 8 1/2 years after it has returned to an A1c of under 6 without any meds other than food.
Not bad
High School Biology Teacher