Goat herd shares available on Salt Spring Island, BC
by Jan Steinman
(Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada)
Maya and Shakti, our original flock.
Carol milking Maya.
I grew up on raw goat milk, then largely gave up milk for over 30 years -- I just couldn't stand the artificial, industrially-manufactured milk-like substance they pawn off in the grocery stores.
But in 2004, I began to be very concerned about the sustainability of my life-style in the suburb of a medium-sized US city, and decided to "return to my roots" by starting a co-op farm on an island in British Columbia, Canada.
When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to "get off the farm." But now, I'm actually enjoying the ritual of animal care, twice-a-day milking, kidding, etc., although I struggle with my sanity over weaning and fence-jumping.
Two years after starting a flock with two sweet Nubian does, we have eight goats, and are supplying raw dairy products (including feta cheese, yoghurt, whey, and ice cream) to nearly 40 fellow goat flock owners.
For more information, see http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/Dairy_herd_share_FAQ .